Monday, January 19, 2015

DLP Week 3

The January 17th challenge at The Documented Life Project is "The Color Wheel".   The journal prompt is a quote from Georgia O'Keefe- "I found I could say things with color and shapes that I couldn't say any other way...."

I wanted to start with black and white and somehow bring bold color into the piece.  I prepped the page with white gesso.  Then I put some black gesson on a piece of plastic wrap and spritzed some water on it and brushed it out into a thin layer.  I layed this onto the white page in the center.  I took a piece of shelving mat and used it to texture some of the black gesso around the black area.  Then I let that dry completely.  Next I took some white foam letters that spelled out the word COLOR and tried several different methods to put bright color on them.  Finally used my gellatos to get a nice bold color on them that seemed to stay.  I wrote the quote in white signo pen and also wrote "Live you life in" above the letters that I placed on the page.  I'm pretty happy with the way it came out.  It almost looks like what I envisioned in my head.  That almost never happens.....LOL.

Thanks for stopping by.

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