Friday, April 17, 2015

Working in The Word - Bible Art Journaling

I have been working in my journaling Bible this week.  I have never worked in God's word so much. This has truly helped me to have a much richer, closer relationship with God and His word than I have ever had before.  I read the verses that I am illustrating several times to find the thing that might speak to me and sparks my creative imagination.  I remember what I've read because I am a visual learner and as I draw, paint or whatever I am doing to make the verse come alive to me I am repeating it to myself.  Sometimes I remember a verse that I have heard at Church services but don't remember where in the Bible it is found.  So I search until I find it.  This leads to a lot of reading that I would not have normally done.  This whole process is such a blessing to me.  If you have never considered it please do.  If the whole idea of drawing or painting in your Bible seems like sacrilege to you I respect that.  For me though, it is a whole new way to worship with the truth and understanding that God has asked us to do.

There is so much inspiration on Pinterest as well as the Bible Journaling Community on Facebook.

I saw a post on one of those two groups that was similar but this is my interpretation of Proverbs 16:24.

I found a link in Pinterest to Joanne Fink's website.  I was immediately taken with her Zenspirations illustrations.  To me they looked like visual jewelry on a page.  I didn't see why you couldn't use it to illustrate a verse and I found just the right one last night, 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-17.  I think this verse is such a happy verse and the Zenspiration drawing makes me feel happy.  Once you start one of these they are hard to complete.  You just want to keep going but you eventually run out of room.

And of course I completed the Bible Art Journaling Challenge from Rebekah Jones for week 15.  This week she challenged us to make a mixed media tag to use as a tip-in to our jounaling Bibles.  I used most of the techniques she showed us in the video but I didn't have all the same art supplies so I used what I have that was close.  I love the way it came out but the picture does not do it justice.  You can really see how shiny the background really is.  I had this stamp of a pocket watch and I don't think I ever used it and I really can't even remember why I bought it in the first place.  But glad I finally got to use it.
As you can see I also illustrated the same thing on the page of my Bible.  This way I can use the tag as a bookmark or leave it attached with my paperclip.  The verse is from Jeremiah 1:5.  Isn't it wonderful to know that our God knows us so well that he even knew us before we were formed in our mother's womb?  I can be truly myself with God because he knows ME, he knows my faults, my dreams, when I lie to other or myself.  He knows it all.  How many people do you know that you can truly be yourself with?  

Thanks for visiting.  Please leave a comment if you would.  I would love to hear from you.

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